Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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Science Tutoring
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"Changing the future... one session at a time!"
We provide part-time 1:1 tuition for children and young people aged 5-19 with social, emotional and mental health needs. Many of our referrals are of pupils who have been, or are at risk of being permanently excluded from mainstream school.
We work in partnership with providers such as Swindon Borough Council, St Luke's Academy and EOTAS, among many mainstream schools.
Our Behaviour Specialised Tutors are dynamic, driven individuals with tons of empathy, patience and adaptability to provide the right mixture of academic tutoring and emotional mentoring.
● To plan and deliver schemes of work for Maths and English and other agreed subjects.
● To monitor pupil progress via regular curriculum assessments and behavioural
monitoring via the RAG (Red/Amber/Green). rating on lesson plans.
● To create additional resources and differentiate as required to ensure a personalised learning approach is taken to meet pupil's individuals’ needs.
● To provide a weekly update on work completed via a live link to the tutee’s lesson plan.
● To ensure all assessments, provided by the Provider, are completed by the pupil.
● To work with the pupil in response to marking work and giving feedback.
● To provide an End of Term Report to the school which covers Lessons, Attitude to Learning, Concerns, EHCP Targets and Next Steps.
We have specific procedures that cover the following:
● Safeguarding/ child protection reporting
●Safer Recruitment
● Absence reporting
● Truanting and absconding reporting
● Behaviour management and conflict de-escalation
● Reflect and Restore Meetings
● Recording behaviour using a RAG (red, amber, green) rating on the lesson plan.
● Recording accidents and incidents
● Pupil Induction
● First Aid
● Record keeping
Please click here to access all of our centre's policies and procedures.