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SEMH Nurture 

What is nurture?

The concept of nurture links to the age old Nature vs Nurture debate - the nurture side of the debate highlighting the importance of social environments and its significant influence on social emotional skills, well-being and behaviour.


Children and young people who have a good start in life are shown to have significant advantages over those who have experienced missing or distorted early attachments. 


They tend to do better at school, attend regularly, form more meaningful friendships and are significantly less likely to offend or experience physical or mental health problems.  The nurturing approach offers a range of opportunities for children and young people to engage with missing early nurturing experiences, giving them the social and emotional skills to do well at school and with peers, develop their resilience and their capacity to deal more confidently with the trials and tribulations of life, for life.


What is a traditional nurture group?

Nurture groups are founded on evidence-based practices and offer a short-term, inclusive, focused intervention that works in the long term. Traditional nurture groups are classes of between six and 12 children or young people in early years, primary or secondary settings supported by the whole staff group and parents. Children attend nurture groups but remain an active part of their main class group, spend appropriate times within the nurture group according to their need and typically return full time to their own class within two to four terms.



So what is the nurture reintegration model AT SWINDON TUITION CENTRE?



Our Service Offer 

The model we have developed at Swindon Tuition Centre, mirrors the traditional model in regards to the delivery of the traditional nurture methods: 


  • We assess learning and social and emotional needs and give the necessary help to remove the barriers to learning.

  • There is great emphasis on language development and communication.

  • Nothing is taken for granted and everything is explained, supported by role modelling, demonstration and the use of gesture as appropriate.

  • The relationship between the two staff, always nurturing and supportive, provides a role model that children observe and begin to copy.

  • Food is shared at ‘breakfast’ or ‘snack time’ with many opportunities for social learning, helping children to attend to the needs of others, with time to listen and be listened to.


The main difference, however, is in that the children who are at risk of being permanently excluded- attend with at our Gorsehill Centre either on a full time (30 hours) or half the time (15 hours). 


In addition to this, we add further value for what we offer by integrating further creative interventions such as therapeutic art strategies, yoga and mindfulness, drama therapy and a weekly Forest School programme. 


In similarity to the traditional nurture groups, children will attend between three to four terms before the reintegration process is started. In this time, children will learn academically and socially as they develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect and take pride in behaving well and in achieving. Through regular assessment of the Boxall Profile, a child’s progress will be closely monitored and as they develop the level of resilience and emotional awareness and security needed, the reintegration plan can be drawn up. 


The Importance of Transitions 

We recognise transitions as extremely important in children’s lives. Transitions can be gradual or sudden and can affect different aspects of the pupil’s life and may last for various lengths of time. All children experience changes in their life at certain points, but it depends on their personality, the nature of transition and the support they receive from family and school, how they react to these turning points. Whatever the transition is in the life of a child or young person, they cannot be left alone with their fears and emotions caused by the change. The effect of having positive relationships during periods of transitions is therefore vital. Effective communication between nurture staff and pupil is essential because the children need opportunities to express their thoughts and the feelings. Support from the adults around them in this critical period will help the children to work their way through the transition and do not let it to come a negative influence on their development.


With records of progress in the areas of social, emotional and behavioural development, staff will identify the right time for a child to reintegrate back into mainstream school. Key nurture staff will attend with the pupil on a 1:1 basis for half of the school day to settle them in to their new school. 


The Reinterpretation Plan will include copies of the Boxall Profile, EHCP targets (if applicable), the pupils personal statement and targets (in their own words) and will outline specifics about provision arrangements. 


What theories and methods underpin the project?


  • Attachment theory and current research in Neuroscience 

  • Social learning theory

  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  • Importance of transitions in childhood


The Six Principles Of Nurture:


1. Children's learning is understood developmentally

2. The classroom offers a safe base

3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing

4. Language is a vital means of communication

5. All behaviour is communication

6. The importance of transition in children's lives

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135 Cricklade Rd,

Gorse Hill,




11 Devizes Rd, 

Old Town,




43 Havelock St, 

Town Centre,




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